Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dr. Suess Cupcakes

For my son's first birthday we decided to go with a Dr. Suess theme. This was my very first time experimenting with fondant and painting on fondant. I felt like a little kid playing with silly putty, that part was awesome. I made the fondant using a recipe I found online using marshmallows so it was pretty easy to work with. I had a little trouble with the black paint and getting that just right but I learned it was probably because my fondant was a little too greasy in some places. Half of the cupcakes are chocolate and half are carrot cake.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

All Wigged Out!

So in my attempt to get out of the house and be around other human beings with teeth, who can speak, and don't crap in their pants, I joined a couple of mom groups. The first meetup I went to was for the group "crazy fun moms and families of the southeast valley". I was happily surprised to find out that they are in fact both crazy and fun. I tried to gain acceptance into this new group by bringing cupcakes that matched the theme of their get together, which was "all wigged out". It seemed to work. Either that, or they liked my financial contributions to LeftRightCenter and Bunco, neither of which I won, and if you know me, you know I really really like to win :-) But at least they were games of pure luck, those I don't mind losing AS MUCH because it doesn't say anything about my abilities. Maybe one night they will play Fooseball or Risk or Scrabble and I can show them who not to mess with MUAH HAHAHA. Anyway, these are my wigged out cupcakes. Pretty simple chocolate cake and cream cheese and chocolate frosting. Not much to explain beyond that!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Robin's Egg Cupcakes

There was a sale on Robin's eggs and when I combined that with my coupons I got 3 bags for $1! So I decided to use my new candies to create my Easter cupcakes! The flash is a little bright in this picture, but the bottom layer is actually green. I could not do this in an assembly line fashion because once the green dried, the eggs wouldn't really stick to it, so I had to make one at a time. After I stuck the eggs on, I quickly piped the nest with a tip that creates the effect shown above. After the frosting dried they stayed on quite well, and tasted pretty yummy too I might add!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl Cupcakes

I made these yesterday in honor of the only Football game I watch per year. I like how the Saint's logo is the Fleur de Lis since I just piped those onto the French cupcakes. (I'm a pro now). They are just plain yellow cake and Stephanie made the delicious frosting. Yet another excuse to bake cupcakes!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wedding Cupcakes

My best friend Stephanie got engaged quite some time ago. She worked her ass off (literally) to put this wedding together. She made all the food from scratch. She made 3 different kinds of favors, the invitations, save-the-dates, and she planned to make the cupcakes. She just wanted me to make little candy snowflakes to put on top. So I used melting vanilla candy wafers and piped little snowflakes (200 of them) onto wax paper. Then she asked if I could frost the cupcakes. Then she asked if I could just make them lol. I was glad to help and be able to take credit for my first official wedding cupcakes! (In my eyes this makes me a professional). There was an actual cake that went with these cupcakes that was 8x8. The whole presentation was awesome. For some reason when I try to upload the picture of everything it turns it on its side and won't let me rotate it back??? You'll just have to tilt your head... Either way, they looked good, they tasted good, and we were all happy the way the night turned out!