I asked Lexie what theme cupcakes she wanted for her birthday and she said "dragon". I searched the internet for pictures of dragons and ideas of how to make them into cupcakes and my favorite site I ran across was Cupcake Ninja I have a new favorite source for ideas! My ultimate goal is to not have to steal other people's concepts, but I believe that, in time, I'll get there. :-) These cupcakes were quick and super easy. I just used the three tips she recommended and free-handed it. Not a whole lot to explain. I like the concept though and I think I'll be making more animals out of frosting like this. It is a whole lot easier to work with than chocolate and much cheaper than going out and buying weird candies and cookies and twinkies like you need for a lot of the Hello, Cupcake cupcakes. I did get a new cake book in the mail, so my next creation will probably have some chocolate candies in it.
Ok...now I am starving.